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更新时间:2023-06-12 19:12:41 点击: 来源:yutu


风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇一

every road

There are reasons for having to travel like this

Every road to go

There are directions that have to be chosen in this way


There is always such a road, maybe it is the wind and rain along the way, but if you go on, you can always reap the scenery along the way.

Along the way, Liz in the film walked out of a family whose parents were drug addicts, grew up in a shelter, but loved life and entered Harvard with honors.

To be honest, after watching the film, I was far more shocked than moved. I was shocked by his persistence, by his life course, and even more by his calmness when he was admitted to Harvard.

In contrast, my life, or the life of the people around me, will not have such ups and downs. Perhaps, we were all born with golden keys in our hands, and we do not understand the ups and downs of life, nor do we know how the world is hot and cold.

What I feel the most is that Liz's experience is unfortunate, but in the whole play, only his cry after the death of his mother, the others are all ***iles. He didn't cry, and we have no reason to cry.

A lot of times, tears always accompany us. When I was a child, I loved to cry too. I fell down, cried, and was criticized by my mother.

The fingertips flowed through the old testament written by Bach in the dream, and the memory of the old testament was full of fragrance.

It was an afternoon when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, and the sunlight was swaying, which was very suitable for people to write stories.

The sadness of failing the exam fills my heart, causing tears to flow out of nowhere. My mother walked into the room, thinking she would comfort me, sobbing.

Unexpectedly, my mother said a sentence: "The real successful person is not that he can't cry, but that he does not cry when he shouldn't cry." At that time, I didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, I just knew that I couldn't cry anymore. 。

And now, it is clear to the heart, maybe successful people will cry, but when they shouldn't cry, they should have tears and don't shed lightly, maybe turning grief and anger into strength is the best choice.

I finally understood that not crying is not because of forgetting the grief, but because it is remembered that facing difficulties with the best mood is a magic weapon in life.

We have walked all the way, there are wind and rain along the way, maybe we can't change the wind and rain, we can only change ourselves.

Pursuing the next second of every unknown, there may be a desolation in front of you, but there will always be beauty. Life should be a river, calm and endless, and you can deeply appreciate that only the still water is long and the waves are surging. 。

Maybe the road is the road of wind and rain, be your own Liz, and walk through the stormy life with that calmness, self-improvement, and perseverance.

The clouds are in the sky, the luggage is in front of you, there is a road leading to the sun, there is no edge, and along the way, wind and rain, wind and rain, will whizz by, leaving only a successful song, sing in my heart.

《风雨哈佛路》观后感 篇二








风雨哈佛路观后感 篇三




风雨哈佛路英语观后感 篇四

There has never been an inspirational film that shocked me as much as the drama "Harvard Road", which made my heart unable to calm down for a long time.

The protagonist in the film, Liz, was born humble and grew up in a filthy and chaotic environment. Her parents were drug addicts and parents who had children but could not support them. As Liz stated:

The environment I was born in, all the people I know are full of anger, they live only to survive.。.Everyone around them is talking about sex, they try to survive every day.。.。

She has been a beggar, picked up food from garbage, and slept in subway stations. In such a harsh environment, she always believed that there was another place, better and more developed. She wanted to live in that kind of place. So she took the initiative to find a way out, trying her best to climb out of the environment she was born in and force herself to create a better life. It is because of this concept, cognition, and belief that she spares no effort to struggle; it is because of this concept, cognition, and belief that she also faces her downcast father calmly, because in her opinion, it is her father who let her know that there is another way to survive. road. He was the beginning of her dream.

In a way, God is fair. When he cut off all her retreats, he also gave her upward wisdom. So instead of wasting her time in discouragement, she looked at the predicament with a calm and collected eye. She knew she had no way out, so she fought as hard as she could to see what would happen.

Many times, it is not because you see hope that you work hard, but you have hope after you work hard. Efforts not only make her not have to obey the arrangement of fate, but also gradually fill her life with many possibilities, making her look forward to a better future:

At first, she wanted to read in order to escape the environment in which she was born. After school, I want to complete four years of schooling in two years. After applying for a scholarship, he won the highest university, Harvard University. This is her goal and dream that she never dared to imagine before. In this way, her efforts with a sense of direction brought rhythm and order to her chaotic life. Turn homeless people into Harvard students.

Her story made me understand more deeply: the poorest people in the world are not penniless people, but people who have no dreams, no vision, and no immediate determination to act and work hard.

Yes, one cannot choose one's own birth and family. However, what is even more tragic is that most people from humble backgrounds like her are often trapped in this vicious circle and cannot get out of the shadow of their family. They think they, like their parents, are only worthy of a messy life, like another character on the show, Chris, Liz's best friend.

Chris and Liz have similar family backgrounds but have completely different life trajectories. One is still a poor child living on the streets, and the other won the sixth New York Times Scholarship. In just two short years, what made them widen such a big gap?

Someone once said that the gap can be roughly divided into two types: one is the individual's family background and external image; the other is the individual's values, learning ability, communication skills, emotional intelligence, and adventurous spirit.

风雨哈佛路读后感 篇五







