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更新时间:2023-09-04 18:40:15 点击: 来源:yutu


五一劳动节的英语作文 篇一

My clas***ates threion party at our middle school principle‘s flat.Our parents ed to the party.Everybody ed about the holiday.I ate a lot of delicious food at that time.I also visiting my relatives h my parents. to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai.Later that day,ayed for the night. The next day,I shopping h my cousins. some brand name T-shirts and pants.In the afternoon,my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highhey also taught me hou to drive their fancy car,so I tried to do some turning and parking.It easy first.But I learnt quick.urned home h many gifts from our trip.I tried to get some rest.At night,I chatted h my clas***ates on the phone,and I ched CCTV before going to bed.Since last Friday,I started to finish up my homes on my personal laptop. Some of my assignments e boring.After I finished the homehem to my teachers.

五一劳动节英语作文 篇二

Today is the last day of the "May Day" holiday,meet some of my good friends and I went to nanshan barbecue,have Cai Yue,dong ***ile however,have all have their mom and dad,how's the weather today is really good,at 9 o 'clock when we come to the father set counter,a kung fu has a lot of people,we have a few children to play,parents in the side is busy barbecue,ha ha,saw them several times get tinfoil caught fire,there are a lot of delicious:a roast chicken wing,roasted sausage,grilled fish,beverage - so many!

Dong ***iles but dad took us a few children go to the wheat straw,we get the grass of the piles of,also saw a sell Popsicle grandpa shook the bell sell Popsicle,we eat like cat.Finished eating barbecue,we went to pick strawberries,this is the second time I walked into the room to pick strawberries,the temperature is very high,inside each of us take a ***all bowl,to find a big strawberry,strawberry red,looking at is really beautiful,a taste,taste sweet,with a little acid in the really interesting!We had a great time today!

五一劳动节英语作文 篇三

Today is May 1 "International Labor Day".My mother took a day off.I'm so happy!Because mom's company never has holidays,not even ,mom can finally have a day off.

However,my mother got up early.I asked,"Mom,what are you doing?" Mother said,"cooking,sweeping,washing clothes,there are a lot of things to do." After listening,I said,"Mom,it's not easy for you to take a day off.Just have a good rest and let me do it." "Can you?" Mother said with a ***ile."OK!Look if you don't believe it." Without saying a word,I picked up the broom and began to sweep the ***iled and said,"first pack up your things,then sweep the floor." "Oh,yes,first clean up the garbage,then wipe the table,and then sweep the floor.It makes sense."

Then I'll clean the table first.I first put all the items on the table in one place,then washed the rag,and then began to wipe.I first wipe it bit by bit with a rag.When I see a particularly dirty place,I wipe it twice more with a rag until it is clean.Finally,I carefully put the items on the table.You see,the table was polished shiny by me.It seemed to say to me,"little brother,thank you for giving me a comfortable bath!"

After cleaning the table,I began to sweep the floor seriously.Sweep it again and again,sweep every corner clean,and then dump the swept garbage into the dustbin.Look,the bright floor tiles on the ground also seem to ***ile and say to me,"little brother,see if I can be a mirror."

After doing this,I think I'll just wash my underwear,too.I first put my underwear in the basin,then poured water and washing powder,and then began to scrub.I rubbed and rubbed,rubbed and rubbed,and soon I felt washed.Change another basin of clean water,wash the foam of washing powder,then screw it dry and hang it on the balcony.

My mother looked at the table,the ground and the underwear on the balcony.She was so happy that she couldn't stop praising me and said,"you're really capable!".I was very tired.After hearing this,I was so happy that I could finally let my mother have a ,through labor,I also felt the joy of labor!

五一劳动节英语作文 篇四

Today is May 1 "International Labor Day"。 My mother took a day off. I'm so happy! Because mom's company never has holidays, not even Sundays. Today, mom can finally have a day off.

However, my mother got up early. I asked, "Mom, what are you doing?" Mother said, "cooking, sweeping, washing clothes, there are a lot of things to do." After listening, I said, "Mom, it's not easy for you to take a day off. Just have a good rest and let me do it." "Can you?" Mother said with a ***ile. "OK! Look if you don't believe it." Without saying a word, I picked up the broom and began to sweep the floor. Mother ***iled and said, "first pack up your things, then sweep the floor." "Oh, yes, first clean up the garbage, then wipe the table, and then sweep the floor. It makes sense."

Then I'll clean the table first. I first put all the items on the table in one place, then washed the rag, and then began to wipe. I first wipe it bit by bit with a rag. When I see a particularly dirty place, I wipe it twice more with a rag until it is clean. Finally, I carefully put the items on the table. You see, the table was polished shiny by me. It seemed to say to me, "little brother, thank you for giving me a comfortable bath!"

After cleaning the table, I began to sweep the floor seriously. Sweep it again and again, sweep every corner clean, and then dump the swept garbage into the dustbin. Look, the bright floor tiles on the ground also seem to ***ile and say to me, "little brother, see if I can be a mirror."

After doing this, I think I'll just wash my underwear, too. I first put my underwear in the basin, then poured water and washing powder, and then began to scrub. I rubbed and rubbed, rubbed and rubbed, and soon I felt washed. Change another basin of clean water, wash the foam of washing powder, then screw it dry and hang it on the balcony.

My mother looked at the table, the ground and the underwear on the balcony. She was so happy that she couldn't stop praising me and said, "you're really capable!"。 I was very tired. After hearing this, I was so happy that I could finally let my mother have a rest. Moreover, through labor, I also felt the joy of labor!

五一劳动节英语作文 篇五

May day is coming. It's my bad day again. My mother told me again and again, "you should work on labor day and don't make trouble at home."

But I don't take this matter seriously and play around at home. Mother saw it and shouted, "don't make trouble here and sweep the floor for me!" So I swept the floor carelessly. I waved left and right, and soon told my mother that I was finished. Mother saw the dust on the ground and angrily criticized, "you're still like this. You don't pay attention to anything. You'd better wash your clothes!" I was puzzled: "why do you always let me do housework? Forget it, forget it, it's just washing clothes. It's OK after washing." I also wash it carelessly. The clothes are really dirty! Just wash it. I'm so tired!

Mother saw the stains on her clothes made one by one, and said dejectedly, "you still can't change this bad habit. Forget it, you play your game!" "Bad problem? Any?" I thought about it over and over again and suddenly realized that these live mothers did it every day, and I didn't shout bitterly. I only did it once in such a long time, and I cried bitterly. Mom, it's really hard!

