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更新时间:2024-01-21 13:30:01 点击: 来源:yutu


fire相关词汇辨析 篇一



discharge 语气较重,指有理由的解雇,含几乎不再复用的意味。

dismiss 正式用词,是这组词中语气最轻的一个词,一般只有从上文才能看解雇的原因或理由。

fire 口【】语用词,多指被断然地突然解雇,其行动犹如开枪一样干净利落。

fire的意思 篇二



fire的时态 篇三

现在分词: firing

过去式: fired

过去分词: fired

fire的英语音标 篇四

英 [ˈfaiə] 美 [faɪr]

fire的汉语意思 篇五

英 [ˈfaɪə(r)] 美 [faɪr]

名词 火灾; 火,燃烧物; 射击,发射; 热情

及物/不及物动词 开火,射击; 燃烧; 引爆炸药; 充满热情

及物动词 <口>解雇; 射(箭); 激励; 射出(子弹)


1. There is a fire in the sitting room.


2. He set fire to the dry grass.


fire的单语例句 篇六

1. Early Sunday, he said he gave the military permission to act without restrictions against rocket fire.

2. Electric appliances that are banned in dormitories will be the focus of a new inspection following a fire at the Shanghai Business School on Friday.

3. He said he believes Yeung's handheld radio was also functioning properly at the fire scene, though two firemen complained that the radio line was busy.

4. Tu's father claimed Wang had lit the fire with his cigarette butt, but the court rejected this after reviewing evidence from fire authorities.

5. A cigarette butt tossed from a higher floor started a fire in a balcony in an apartment building in the Hongkou area.

6. A man set his storehouse on fire by accident on Monday morning after letting off firecrackers to celebrate his birthday.

7. There is a big possibility that it was a friendly fire by mistake.
