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会议纪要英文 英文会议纪要优秀9篇 会议纪要英语版

更新时间:2024-05-27 00:24:01 点击: 来源:yutu


英文会议纪要 篇一

On July 15, 20XX, the marketing department and the finance department held a department work coordination meeting in the conference room. The leaders of the marketing department and the finance department and relevant personnel attended the meeting. The meeting discussed and studied issues such as strengthening departmental communication, improving sales, service marketing and ensuring cost recovery. The minutes of the meeting are as follows:

1、 Strengthen communication and serve customers well

The marketing department and the finance department should strengthen communication, earnestly perform their post responsibilities, serve customers well from the interests of the company, expand sales business and recover the payment in time, so as to promote the business development of the company and obtain good economic benefits.

2、 Actively complete the task of collecting payment for goods

The marketing department and the finance department should strengthen communication and cooperation within the company, improve service awareness, support each other, actively cooperate with the business department to collect the payment, jointly complete the task of collecting the payment, and earnestly safeguard the interests of the company.

3、 The marketing department should do a good job

The marketing department shall strive to expand sales, increase sales, and do a good job in cost recovery while doing a good job in marketing, so as to ensure the cost recovery rate of the company. For unclaimed received expenses raised by finance or commerce, the business personnel of the marketing department shall provide payment vouchers and write off information within two working days. For customers who pick up the goods in their own name, if there are no goods in transit, they cannot release the goods without receiving the expenses.

会议纪要英文 篇二

时间:-08-06 下午19:00点






1. 整个施工工期需要重新排一下。

2. 每星期定期召开施工调度会。

3. 所有施工中的有关事宜一切要用文字表述。

4. 工程中所用主材需甲乙双方共同采购。

5. 客房样板间局部调整,并尽快做出新的样板间,餐饮包房尽快做出样板间。

6. 主楼二楼采光井按原设计方案执行,拿出效果图,尽快组 织施工。

7. 室外消防水池重新定位。

8. 要求甲方工作要做到位,具体问题要落实到实处,尽快使整个工程有新的起色。



1. 外墙施工存在诸多问题,在施工过程中多次提出,今天就不一一列举,用一句不恰当的话说就是屡教不改。

2. 今后要求乙方部分分项工程验收,乙方要先自检合格后,方可上报甲方验收,否则不允许下道工序施工。


1、 甲方组织不健全,人员缺乏,监管不到位,是造成工程质量低下和施工进度缓慢的原因。

2、 工程款要及时拨付。



1、 乙方开工前的准备工作不细致,,主要是施工方没通过招投标程序轻易得到整个工程承包权,对工程的重视程度不够,同时乙方过于自信、妄为,导致工程施工中随意性太大,并且自以为是,施工程序混乱,给工程管理留下较大隐患。

2、 外墙设计图纸不合理,施工过程中不按图施工,所用材料质量较差。甲方多次下达整改通知,目前外墙还在整改,外墙施工不完成是整个工程工期延误的主要原因。

3、 实践证明施工方不具备多专业综合施工能力,施工程序混乱、综合协调能力较差,所有这些直接制约了工程的顺利进行。

4、 本工程是旧楼改造,按目前酒店的使用标准需要进行多处改造。例如屋面消防水箱、电梯井都需要二次加固,后续增加部分工程,所有这些也是工程滞后的另一个原因。

5、 甲方人员少,技术力量薄弱,现场监管不到位也是不可忽视的因素。
















会议纪要英文 篇三

Minutes of meeting




South sumatera,indonesia

Attendance:Refer to Attached List(see Attachment 1)

Date : October 19, 20xx

Place :Hangzhou

1. The agreed agenda are as follows:

A. Coal supply issue

B. POA for signing MOU regarding the HVDC Sumatera-Java transmission Project

C. Financial Advisor Mandate letter

D. How to push forward the power plant,coal mine and transmission projects.

2. General overview: All the shareholders have the same understanding that even if the project didn’t make expected progress in the past several months due to the HVDC T/L issues and the influence of the new Minning Law to coal supply scheme, all the attendees still have confidence that all these issues will be solved with the best efforts of all parties. Coal Supply issue

PTBA made a comprehensive meaningful presentation regarding the new mining law, its impact to signed JVC Coal Mine and PTBA opinion for new coalsupply scheme as well as response to CDB letter of 11 August 20xx.

The summary of PTBA’s proposal scheme in its presentation is as follows:

1 PTBA cannot assign its right and obligation as mining permits holder to other party pursuant to the new mining law.

2 it is PTBA as mining permit holder who shall decide the coal price, hence, the revenues account shall be reckoned in PTBA’s book.(which may affect to royalty,tax,etc)

3 coal supply agreement shall be established between JVC power and PTBA.

4 PTBA cannot fulfill the requirement of CDB that the KP is held by PTBA’s subsidiary due to an uncertainty of getting KP by PTBA or its subsidiary.

5 as long as PTBA holds the mining permit and hold a full authority of the mine then PTBA can give a guaranty of coal supply to JVC Power.

The attendees discussed the proposed scheme made by PTBA as follows:

PTBA concludes, base on all input from received information, the followings 4 possible coal supply schemes that comply with the new mining law:

1 Pass-through scheme(scheme 1)

2 PTBA as the coal supplier(scheme 2)

3 JVC Coal Mine will be coal mining service company or other position(scheme 3)

会议纪要英文 篇四





























会议纪要英文 篇五


Meeting of the Board of Directors to be held on Wednesday, April 3, 2009 at 10:15 . in the The Company



1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the meetings held on March 2, 2009 3. Points arising from minutes as read

4. Report by the Chairman( a copy of the report is attached to this agenda) 5. Resolution or Motion

6. Date of next meeting

7. To transact any other business that may come before the meeting ? Minutes of the monthly meeting of a board of directors

Minutes of the Board of Directors of the XYZ Company held on Wednesday, april3, 2009, at 10:15 . in the company boardroom. Chairman John Brown presided.

PRESENT: Brad Schaffner (Harvard), Cathy Zeljak (George Washington), Brian Baird (H. F. Group), Diana Brooking (Washington), Adam Burling (ACRL), Jackie Byrd (Indiana), Jared Ingersoll (Columbia), Sandra Levy (Chicago), Dan Pennell (Pittsburgh), Janice Pilch (Illinois), Emily Ray (Yale), Kay Sinnema (Library of Congress), Andy Spencer (Wisconsin), David Woodruff (Getty Research Institute).

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received from Rina Dollinger and Alfred Kessel.

MINUTES: The minutes of the March 2, 2009, meeting were read by the secretary and approved.

REPORT BY CHAIRMAN: The Chairman reported that he had met Mr. Nathan Rosenberg concerning XYZ’s interests in computer software development and the services Mr. Rosenberg is prepared to extend to aid XYZ in developing these interests. For the information of the Chairman, Mr. Rosenberg outlined the growth of the software industry from the time he launched ABC Software Company in 1987 until today.


Thomas Kilroy summarized his detailed discussions with Jay Jefferson, Chief Executive Officer of Hudson Audiovisual Productions ( “Hudson”) and BZN’s interests in audiovisual instructional materials. The classroom use of audiovisual instructional materials in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries of the European Union has been a major educational trend and has had phenomenal growth. A trend that educators in North America and Western Europe predicting is likely to continue.

Since there are many ways that Hudson can help BZN develop an international audiovisual program for use in English-speaking countries and with translation for other parts of the world, Mr. Kilroy made the following proposal, seconded by Nichols Raines, to authorize a feasibility study to cover the following:

a) The present educational audiovisual marketplace in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and

its potential for expansion. b) Present companies operating in this marketplace and their share.

c) Growth patterns of different types of audiovisual materials and their potential for continued growth and



Thomas Kilroy gave a summary of a study on the feasibility of acquiring an audiovisual instructional materials company in North America and the United Kingdom. Results indicate more investigation is needed. - To select the companies that seem to offer the best opportunities to BZN and to investigate the possibility of acquiring them.

- To inquire about the terms of sales from the owners of the companies selected by BZN and report these terms to BZN.

MOTION: Chairman Brown proposed a motion, seconded by Sharon Moretti, that an ad hoc committee of directors should be instituted to study Mr. Rosenberg’s involvement in greater detail. The board agreed to vote on this motion at the next meeting.

RESOLUTION: A resolution authorizing the company’s transfer agent to issue new shares was unanimously adopted by all members.

NEXT MEETING: It was agreed that the next meeting will be held on May 2, 2009, at 10:30 ., in the company boardroom.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 11:45 .

英文会议纪要 篇六

1、 Unify understanding and clarify the principles and main tasks of this years reform.

2、 We will further simplify government power, separate government from enterprises, and invigorate enterprises.

3、 Give full play to the socialist market economy and straighten out economic relations.

4、 Careful guidance to ensure the healthy development of reform.

Comrades attending the meeting unanimously said that at present, the reform has entered a crucial stage. We should firmly implement the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, carefully organize and guide, do a good job in investigation and research, deepen the reform of the urban economic system, and make new contributions to the establishment of a socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics.

Time: from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. on XX, XXXX

Venue: executive meeting room of county government

Host: county magistrate

Present: deputy county magistrate, office director

Leave: XXX (business trip)



The main matters discussed and decided at the meeting are summarized as follows:

1、 The meeting heard the report of deputy county magistrate XXX on the preparations for the economic work conference, and discussed ten provisions on expanding the autonomy of county enterprises. The meeting agreed to the report on the preparation of the county economic work meeting, and decided to hold the county economic work meeting on X. This years economic work indicators should be subject to those issued by the Municipal Economic Commission, and the main economic indicators of the original companies in the county will not be adjusted. At the county economic work conference, the County Economic Commission signed the letter of economic responsibility with the original companies of the county.

2、 The meeting agreed in principle with the revision opinions of the County Civil Affairs Bureau on the measures for the administration and use of Civil Affairs fees.

3、 The meeting agreed to print and distribute the regulations and opinions (discussion scheme) on the work style of the organs put forward by the county government office to all departments, solicit opinions widely, and print and distribute them as documents of the county government after further modification.

会议纪要英文 篇七














会议纪要英文 篇八




















1. 熟悉会议内容。包括会议文件,以及相关的以前的一些文件。最好能够大致了解不同领导的观点。

2. 重点想一想,可能出现争议的地方。


1. 关键是录音下来。

2. 重点在于理解领导的意思。

3. 看个人情况,从最有利于自己理解、记住会议内容的角度出发,看是电脑打字、笔记、还是干脆不写笔记。


1. 初稿。如果对材料不熟悉,担心有疏漏,就把领导说的话都记录下来。

2. 反复读初稿。领会领导的意思。在脑袋里搭框架(整体的逻辑)。

3. 按照框架调整文字的顺序,但先不要删减或精简。

4. 在框架下看要不要合并内容。可能会有些内容放不到任何一个大类里面,就先放在一边。

5. 回顾框架(整体大逻辑线)有没有问题,是不是要调整。

6. 看框架里每一部分的内容放的对不对。如果对的话,你这一段应该可以起一个标题,或者用一句话把中心思想表达出来。

7. 在每个框架下看内部的逻辑,按照重要性排序。

8. 最后再来调整看你的语言、格式对不对。



标题 标题有两种情况,一是会议名称加纪要,如《全国农村工作会议纪要》。二是召开会议的机关加内容加纪要,如《省经贸委关于企业扭亏会议纪要》。

正文 会议纪要正文一般由两部分组成。




会议纪要英文 篇九


Meeting of the Board of Directors to be held on Wednesday, April 3, 20xx at 10:15 . in the The Company



1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the meetings held on March 2, 20xx 3. Points arising from minutes as read

4. Report by the Chairman( a copy of the report is attached to this agenda) 5. Resolution or Motion

6. Date of next meeting

7. To transact any other business that may come before the meeting  Minutes of the monthly meeting of a board of directors

Minutes of the Board of Directors of the XYZ Company held on Wednesday, april3, 20xx, at 10:15 . in the company boardroom. Chairman John Brown presided.

PRESENT: Brad Schaffner (Harvard), Cathy Zeljak (George Washington), Brian Baird (H. F. Group), Diana Brooking (Washington), Adam Burling (ACRL), Jackie Byrd (Indiana), Jared Ingersoll (Columbia), Sandra Levy (Chicago), Dan Pennell (Pittsburgh), Janice Pilch (Illinois), Emily Ray (Yale), Kay Sinnema (Library of Congress), Andy Spencer (Wisconsin), David Woodruff (Getty Research Institute).

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received from Rina Dollinger and Alfred Kessel.

MINUTES: The minutes of the March 2, 20xx, meeting were read by the secretary and approved.

REPORT BY CHAIRMAN: The Chairman reported that he had met Mr. Nathan Rosenberg concerning XYZ’s interests in computer software development and the services Mr. Rosenberg is prepared to extend to aid XYZ in developing these interests. For the information of the Chairman, Mr. Rosenberg outlined the growth of the software industry from the time he launched ABC Software Company in 1987 until today.


Thomas Kilroy summarized his detailed discussions with Jay Jefferson, Chief Executive Officer of Hudson Audiovisual Productions ( “Hudson”) and BZN’s interests in audiovisual instructional materials. The classroom use of audiovisual instructional materials in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries of the European Union has been a major educational trend and has had phenomenal growth. A trend that educators in North America and Western Europe predicting is likely to continue.

Since there are many ways that Hudson can help BZN develop an international audiovisual program for use in English-speaking countries and with translation for other parts of the world, Mr. Kilroy made the following proposal, seconded by Nichols Raines, to authorize a feasibility study to cover the following:

a) The present educational audiovisual marketplace in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and

its potential for expansion. b) Present companies operating in this marketplace and their share.

c) Growth patterns of different types of audiovisual materials and their potential for continued growth and



Thomas Kilroy gave a summary of a study on the feasibility of acquiring an audiovisual instructional materials company in North America and the United Kingdom. Results indicate more investigation is needed. - To select the companies that seem to offer the best opportunities to BZN and to investigate the possibility of acquiring them.

- To inquire about the terms of sales from the owners of the companies selected by BZN and report these terms to BZN.

MOTION: Chairman Brown proposed a motion, seconded by Sharon Moretti, that an ad hoc committee of directors should be instituted to study Mr. Rosenberg’s involvement in greater detail. The board agreed to vote on this motion at the next meeting.

RESOLUTION: A resolution authorizing the company’s transfer agent to issue new shares was unanimously adopted by all members.

NEXT MEETING: It was agreed that the next meeting will be held on May 2, 20xx, at 10:30 ., in the company boardroom.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 11:45 .

