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method 方法英语怎么说优秀5篇 method的英语

更新时间:2024-07-07 12:00:02 点击: 来源:yutu


method用法 篇一




method既可作类名词,也可作抽象名词。He has a very good method of teaching.(类名词)His teaching was too informal to be said to have method.(抽象名词)


I have a simple and easy method.我有个简易的方法。

New methods of teaching foreign languages are adopted in this institute.该学院采用新的外语教学法。

His book is totally without method.他写的那本书毫无条理。


1、He succeeded with the aid of a completely new method he discovered.


2、Condoms are an effective method of birth control if used with care.


3、This is an ineffective method of controlling your dog.


~+介词 篇二

the method for 用于…的方法

the method for learning languages 学习语言的方法

the method in 在…方面有条理

the method of expression 表现方法

形容词+~ 篇三

bad method 坏方法

cheap method 廉价的方法

civilized method 文明的方法

different method 不同的方法

method的意思 篇四

n. 方法,条理

method英语例句库 篇五

1.Methods By urokinase gelose-fibrin method lumbrokinase was measured.方法用尿激酶琼脂糖—纤维平板法,测定供试样品蚓激酶酶活。

2.Established measurement methods and evaluate quantity methods of safflow yellow-A,carthamin,ademosine.为建立红花化学成分红花黄素、红花红素及腺苷的测定方法及质量评价提供了依据。

3.Methods Simple suture and fixed method, staircase peritoneopexy and so on.方法单纯缝合固定法、梯形腹膜瓣固定法等。

4.This article reports a method of preparation of metal-copper-powder with cuprammonia by directIy chemical method.本文报导了一种用化学方法直接从铜氨溶液中制取金属铜粉的方法。

5.The new methods can resolve the unclassifiable region problems in the conventional multiclass SVM methods.该算法解决了现有主要算法所存在的不可分区域问题。

6.The method was deduced from experiments .这个方法是经过实验推论出来的。

7.Methods Peri-implantitis was treated using four methods (1)essential treatment, (2)gingivectomy, (3)flap operation, (4)guided bone regeneration(GBR).(1)常规治疗,(2)眼切术,(3)翻瓣术,(4)引导骨组织再生术。

8.The Method is safe, atoxic and effective.该法安全无毒,结果有效。

9.The discussion method is time-consuming and tangental.那种讨论方法既浪费时间又与正题脱节。

10.This method of cultivation produces higher yield.这种耕作方法可提高产量。

11.Your problem lies in lacking efficient methods.你的问题在于缺少有效的方法。

12.I can’t claim infallibility for this method.我不敢说这方法绝对有效。

13.A preparation method of azlocillin sodium was established.本文报道阿洛西林钠盐的制备工艺。

14.The second question concerns our method of work.第二个问题牵涉到我们的工作方法。

Prepared decoction and infusion of Usnea diffracta.方法制备破茎松萝水煎液、水浸液。

16.White supremacists devise new methods to disenfranchise Negroes.白人至上论者想出新的方法以剥夺黑人的公民权。

17.Psychodrama is an effective group mental healing method.摘要心理剧是一种有效的团体心理治疗技术。

18.We hesitated at the propriety of the method.我们对这种办法是否适用拿不定主意。

19.The suture method of incisure of lowe eyelid.切口的皮肤缝合技术改进。

20.He invented a new method to make bread.他发明了做面包的新方法。
