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更新时间:2024-08-21 18:48:01 点击: 来源:yutu



Dear guests

Hello! Entrusted by the tourism and reception departments, I would like toextend a warm welcome to all the guests visiting Qufu, a famous city. I am veryglad to be accompanied by a tour guide. This is a good opportunity for us toenjoy and study together. Please leave your valuable comments after reading.

First of all, I would like to briefly introduce the history and culturalrelics of Qufu.

Qufu, a famous historical and cultural city, is the hometown of Confucius,a great thinker, educator, politician, literature arranger and sage of the worldin ancient China, the hometown of Mencius, the birthplace of Xuanyuan YellowEmperor, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, the capital of Yan Emperor, thehometown of Shang and Yin, and the capital of Lu. Four of the three emperors andfive emperors lived and worked here for more than 5000 years. There are abundanttreasures underground and numerous cultural relics on the ground. At present,there are 112 cultural relics, including UN protected units, 3 World CulturalHeritage sites, 4 national protected sites, 12 provincial protected sites, andothers protected at prefecture level.

The most important ones are "three Confucius, two temples and onemausoleum", "three mountains, two forests and one temple". Confucius Temple,Confucius Mansion and Confucius forest are commonly known as "three Confucius".There are temples dedicated to Zhou Gong, the sage of the Yuan Dynasty in China,and temples dedicated to Fusheng Yanhui, the first disciple of Confucius, whichare commonly known as "two temples"; Yiling is SHAOHAO mausoleum in Shouqiu, thebirthplace of Yellow Emperor; Sanshan; and Jiuxian mountain (also known asJiushan), the birthplace of Confucius. The second forest is: mengmulin, the bestmother to educate children in the world, lianggonglin, the burial place ofConfucius' parents; "Yisi" is the place where Li Bai and Du Fu wrote poems,answered correctly and parted. The famous scholar Kong Shangren lived inseclusion in Shimen temple, the national garden.

Now let's look at the Confucius Temple.

Confucius Temple, also known as Zhisheng temple, is a place for offeringsacrifices to Confucius and his wife Qi Guan and 72 sages. Together with theForbidden City in Beijing and Chengde summer resort in Hebei, Confucius Templeis known as China's three major ancient architectural complexes. Experts saidfour words to Confucius Temple: the oldest, the most grand, the most completepreservation, and the most prominent Oriental architectural features. Twoproblems can be seen from the Confucius Temple: one is the great contribution ofConfucius to China and even the oriental culture; the other is that China hascraftsmen in history.

Confucius Temple was built in 478 BC, the year after Confucius died. In theformer residence of Confucius, three temples were built to display Confucius'clothes, cars, books and so on. The Confucius Temple was expanded by emperors ofall dynasties, including 15 major repairs, 31 medium repairs and hundreds ofminor repairs, reaching the present scale. The Confucius Temple imitates theimperial palace. It is divided into three layout, nine courtyards. It has 466houses and 54 gates and pavilions. It runs through a central axis from east towest. There are nearly one thousand steles, covering an area of 327.5 mu, whichis two Li and 150 meters long. The Confucius Temple we see now is the scale ofthe Hongzhi period of the Ming Dynasty. After liberation, the state allocatedfunds for maintenance and protection for many times. The first batch of nationalkey cultural relic protection units announced by China were listed as worldcultural heritage in December 1994, and became cultural relic units protected bythe United Nations. Confucius Temple has been built for a long time, has a largescale, and is completely preserved, which is rare in the world.

Shinto. "Wanren palace wall" before the ancient cypress vigorous thissection of the road is "Shinto". In front of important temples, there is aspecial way of respecting and understanding, which is called "Shinto".

Wanren palace wall. This gate is the South Gate of Ming City in Qufu, andit is also the first gate of Confucius Temple. It is hung with the fourcharacters of "Wanren palace wall", which was written by Emperor Qianlong ofQing Dynasty. It comes from Zi Gong, the proud disciple of Confucius. At themeeting of the state of Lu, it was proposed that Zigong's knowledge was broadand profound, which could be compared with Confucius. Zigong stood upimmediately and said, I dare not compare with my teacher Confucius. Humanknowledge is like a wall. My wall is only one Ren high, and my teacher's wall isseveral Ren high. That is to say, my knowledge is equal to a shoulder high,clear at a glance, nothing profound; Confucius' knowledge is several times asmuch as mine, after detailed research, comprehensive discussion, we canunderstand all of him, after entering the door, we can see the beauty of thetemple, you can't see it outside the door. In order to describe Confucius'profound knowledge, later generations changed from the master's wall to "hundredRen" and "thousand Ren" to the emperor of Ming Dynasty who granted Confucius thetitle of "civil servant in the world, imperial teacher of all dynasties", andpraised Confucius' knowledge as "ten thousand Ren". Looking up, we can't see thetop. It also said that the wall was very solid. These four words were originallywritten by the imperial envoy of Ming Dynasty. In order to show that he attachedgreat importance to Confucius, Qianlong replaced his imperial pen with hispersonal letter "Wanren palace wall".

Jin Sheng Yu Zhen Fang. This workshop was built in Ming Dynasty to expressConfucius' exquisite and perfect knowledge, just like the whole process ofplaying music, which is complete from beginning to end. Ancient music beginswith the ringing of a bell, which starts with the sound of "the beginning oforder" and ends with the striking of a chime. The sound of "jade vibration" isthe sound of the falling of the chime, which is called "the end of order".Praising Confucius' knowledge is a great achievement of the sages and sages, soit is called "the sound of gold and the sound of jade vibration". The sound of"golden sound" is the sound of the bell, which starts with the sound of "jadevibration" and ends with the sound of the chime. This is also the source of theidiom "start and finish". "Jin Sheng Yu Zhen" was written by Hu zuanzong, agreat calligrapher in Ming Dynasty.

"Two cypresses bear one hole". There is an ancient cypress in the East andwest of the single hole stone arch bridge passing yuzhenfang, so it is called"two cypresses bear one hole". This bridge is called "Panshui bridge", which isconnected with the water in the pan pool beside the palace, so it is called "panwater". In the past, when I read the book of Confucius and Mencius, I wasadmitted to higher education, which is called "entering hope". Officials hope tobe promoted, do business, hope to get rich, and live a prosperous life.

Dismount monument. Outside the temple wall, there are two stone tablets,the Xiama tablet and Xiajiao tablet, which were set up in 1191 ad. The stele inthe West had been destroyed, and the stele in the East said, "officials andpeople wait to get off here.". In the past, civil and military officials andcommon people passed by, dismounted and walked on foot to show respect forConfucius and Confucius Temple.

Lattice star gate. It was built in the Ming Dynasty and rebuilt in 1754 ad.it was made of wood instead of iron and stone. "Lingxingmen" was written byEmperor Qianlong. It is said that there are twenty-eight constellations in thesky. Among them, there is a star in charge of culture called "Lingxing", alsoknown as "Wenqu star" and "tianzhenxing". It connects Confucius with the star incharge of culture in the sky and says that he is the highest in culture. Forexample, in the past, when worshiping heaven, we should first worship "Wenqustar". There is a saying that respecting Confucius is like respectingheaven.

Taihe Yuanqi square. This workshop was built in 1544 A.D. in the MingDynasty. It highly praises Confucius's idea that "the space universe can nurtureall things.". "The harmony of heaven and earth, the harmony of the four sides,the harmony of yin and Yang" is the most basic thing, the harmony of theuniverse and the vitality of the human world. "Taihe Yuanqi" is written by ZengMian, governor of Shandong Province.

The most holy temple. The "Zhisheng Temple Square" built in the MingDynasty is made of white marble, decorated with flame jewels.

The world of moral Mou, the road crown ancient and modern. The East andwest of the Taoist temple are lined with a very strange memorial archway.Surrounded by wooden corner edges, there are a thousand heads and ten thousandcontinuations. There are eight monsters under it, which are called "Heavendragon and God lion". It is said that it is dignified and inspired, which candrive away evil and uphold justice. In the eastern memorial archway, it waswritten: "demou heaven and earth", saying that the benefits of Confucius' ideasto human beings are as high as heaven and earth, and the merits and virtues canbe compared with heaven and earth. The memorial archway in the West reads"Daoguan ancient and modern", praising Confucius' thoughts and methods, whichare the highest in the world.

Holy time gate. The three gates are parallel, the four platforms are thesame as above, and the central Panlong. The name of this gate comes fromMencius. For the four ancient sages, Boyi, Yiyin, liuxiahui and Confucius,Mencius summed up the Four Saints' holy deeds into four sentences: Boyi is thesage of the Qing Dynasty, Yiyin is the sage of the appointed, liuxiahui is thesage of the sum, and Confucius is the sage of the time. "Shengshi" highlypraises Confucius' thought, advocates enduring, and is a sage suitable for thetimes. When the emperor came to Qufu to court Confucius, he had to kneel downthree times and knock nine times, and walk through the gate of holy time. WhenYan Shenggong was born, he opened the gate of holy time. All go fast, the gateis high.

Let's have a quick look at the gate. That is to say, Confucius' knowledgeof "Five Classics and four books" means that those who learn first have culturefirst, and those who learn first have knowledge first. They compete to learn,and it is a pleasure to see first and read first.

Look up at the door. It was named after Yan Hui's praise of Confucius. YanHui said that the teacher's way is to raise the top and drill the bottom. PraiseConfucius for his lack of knowledge, which is called "Mi Gao". It is difficultto understand classical Chinese, which is called "Mi Jian". Gao is notunattainable, but can be learned through hard work. Yan Hui said, "the masterfollowed the rules and was good at attracting people. He learned from me inwriting and said that I was polite." My teacher is good at persuasion, teachingme culture and courtesy.

Han stone man. In the pavilion of yanggaomenli, there are two Han stonepeople with high historical value. One is the "Pavilion leader" (a localofficial of Han Dynasty), and the other is the pawn of the palace gate. They areall guards in front of the tomb of the king of Lu. The stone man is valued bythe ancient scholars of epigraphy, which is of great value to the study of HanDynasty clothing and writing.

Jinshui bridge, this bridge, with the same name as the bridge in front ofthe Forbidden City, is also called Jinshui bridge, also known as Bishui bridge,with three holes arranged in a row and green water rippling.

Hongdaomen. Crossing jinshuiqiao is the "hongdaomen" appointed by theemperor of Ming Dynasty, which means "people can promote Taoism, not Taoism" inthe Analects of Confucius. Confucius is an ordinary literati, why become asaint? Praise Confucius summed up the experience of sages, especially carryforward the Yao, Shun, Yu Tang, civil and military Zhou Gong's way. "To say thatpeople can command and create everything is to praise people's subjectiveinitiative." There are two stone tablets under the Hongdao gate. The four edgedstone tablet in the East is the "history of Qufu", which records the history ofQufu's evolution. It was established in the Yuan Dynasty and has high historicalvalue. In the west is the "epitaph of Mr. Chushi", which has high calligraphyvalue.

Big middle gate. Dazhongmen is the gate of Confucius Temple in SongDynasty. It is called "Zhonghe gate", which means that problems can be solvedeasily with Confucius' thoughts. In the Ming Dynasty, the temple was renamed as"the great gate of the middle", praising Confucius' knowledge as a collection ofhuman knowledge. In the middle, it means "the right way of the world in themiddle, the theorem of the world in the middle". Those who leave the middle arenot the right way, but the evil way. That is to say, no left, no right, fair andjust, forward is the mean. There are two turrets at the East and West ends ofDazhong gate, which are used to guard the Confucius Temple.

Tongwenmen, four famous brands, Confucian temple. There are four monumentsin the middle gate. The tablet of Hongzhi in the west of the Ming Dynasty talksabout the ethics of the cardinal principles. On the right side of the Hongzhimonument is the "Confucian temple map" drawn by Li Dongyang, a talented man ofthe Ming Dynasty in Changsha, Hunan Province, which is of high value.

Chenghua stele was erected by Zhu Jianshen, the emperor of Chenghua in MingDynasty. There are two situations that have attracted the attention ofcelebrities of all ages. First, Chenghua tablet's regular script is wellwritten, standardized, exquisite and attractive; The second is the highestevaluation of Confucius. Emperors of all dynasties have commented on Confucius.The highest evaluation is emperor Chenghua. He compares Confucius' ideas andmethods to eating, dressing and spending money. One day is inseparable fromthem. With Confucius' principles and methods, one can make the best use of one'stalents, materials and land. Otherwise, it will be a mess. It is said that ifthere is Confucius' way, there will be a world. If there is no Confucius' way,there will be no world. If there is anti Confucius' way, there will be no world.Such as the inscription said: "I only have Confucius's way, the world can not bewithout Yan, there is Confucius's way, then the principle of justice and ethics,everything has its own place..., Confucius's way in the world, such as cloth SuShu, people's livelihood daily use can not be short of,... Born Confuciusvertical for the holy, life's safety, benevolence and righteousness in theright, the rise of the teacher's way, from travel 3000, to the holy is thenext."

Tongwenmen. The meaning of the word "human heart" is the same as that ofthe text. That is to say, only with concerted efforts and unity can we do a goodjob; the writing should be unified, only with unified writing can we record theexperience of historical communication, and random writing will lead toconfusion. Tongwen gate is an important barrier in front of Kuiwen Pavilion.

In front of the pavilion, the eastern and Western courtyards are called"zhaisu", which is a place for worshippers to fast and bathe. Dongyuan is theresidence of Yan Shenggong, where Kangxi and Qianlong spent their time to wash.The West courtyard is the shelter of the sacrificial staff. Kong zhaoxun, theseventy-one generation grandson of Confucius, inlaid more than 130 steles in thetemple for worshiping Confucius in the song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties onthe wall of the courtyard, so xizhaisu is also known as the stele courtyard.

Thirteen stele pavilions. This is the sixth courtyard of the ConfuciusTemple. There are 55 steles in the pavilion, which were erected in Tang, song,Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The contents of the steles are the emperors,Imperial Envoys' worship of Confucius, the posthumous title and evaluation ofConfucius. The records of the previous construction of the Confucius Temple arewritten in Han, Manchu, Mongolian and basiba languages. Eight in the South andfive in the north, so it is called thirteen stele pavilions. Because they areall steles approved by the emperor, they are also called imperial stelepavilions. The third and sixth pavilions in the front row from the East werebuilt in the Jin Dynasty and are rare buildings in China. All the steles arecalled "imperial steles". "Mian" is the mascot. It is said that the Dragon Kinghas nine sons, and it is the eighth son. It loves "Wen" and is good at carryingheavy loads. The stone tablet has heavy characters, which is suitable for itscharacteristics. The image should be the dragon head, turtle body, Eagle leg andsnake tail.

From the east to the north, the third Pavilion is a monument erected byEmperor Kangxi. Beijing Xishan stone by the Grand Canal, economic South andtransported here. Experts calculate that the monument weighs 130000 Jin. It wassplashed with water and frozen along the way from Jining. Sometimes it came overon the ice and only went to the land of lying cattle one day. Qufu originallyhad good stones, which should be transported from Beijing to show the emperor'sattention to Confucius. There are two steles in the southeast and southwest ofthe courtyard, all of which are the records of the princes and ministers whobuilt temples and worshipped Confucius. The calligraphy value is very high.

There is one gate in the East and one in the west, Yucui gate in the Eastand Guande gate in the West. Commonly known as Donghuamen, xihuamen.

From here, the Confucius Temple is divided into three routes. The fivegates are Dacheng gate, Jinsheng gate on the left, Yuzhen gate on the right,Qisheng gate on the West and Chengsheng gate on the East. The architecturalstructure of dachengmen is "intertwined, intriguing". The center is inserted as"hook center", and the top of the left and right four corners is "bucket angle".The three characters of dachengmen were written by Emperor Yongzheng. PraiseConfucius is a collection of sages and sages, reached the supreme realm.

The first teacher planted juniper by hand. The tall and vigorous cypresstree on the left of Dacheng gate was planted by Confucius. According to records:Confucius cut three cypress trees here. In the second year of Jin Zhenyou (A.D.1214), they were destroyed by fire. The trees withered and sprouted newbranches. There were "three withers and three glories", and there was a sayingthat "cypress trees were flourishing every day.". During the Wanli period of theMing Dynasty, Yang Guangxun, a gifted scholar, wrote five characters: "the firstteacher planted cypress by hand.".

Two long corridors. On both sides of the two equal rows of houses, a totalof 80, known as the "East and West veranda", is dedicated to 72 sages. Confuciusis known as a disciple of three thousand, 72 people who are proficient in sixarts, literature and martial arts, worshipped in the East and West. All theemperors of the past dynasties were entitled to the sages. Such as DongZhongshu, Han Yu, Wang Mingyang, Zhuge Liang, Kou Zhun, Yue Fei and so on. Bythe time of the Republic of China, there were 156. The last sage is Mr. LiangQichao. The original statues and tablets were changed to wooden tablets.Dongxiwu now displays a collection of Zhonggui stone carvings before the SongDynasty. The most precious national treasures of Zhou gongxunzi and batpracticing medicine are 22 stone inscriptions of Han and Wei dynasties. The"ritual stele", "Yiying stele", "Shichen stele", "Zhang Menglong stele" and "MiFu stele" with extremely high calligraphy value are rare treasures. There aremore than 100 pieces of "Han Dynasty stone carvings" on display in Xiwu. Theyare all well-known art treasures and precious materials for the study of Han,Wei and other historical and social life. There are 584 stone inscriptions ondisplay at the north end of the East veranda, which are the yuhonglou sutraswritten by Kong Jisu, the 69 generation grandson of Confucius.

Apricot altar. It was built in memory of Confucius' lecture. Confucius wasteaching to his disciples on the platform under the big apricot tree. In 1018A.D. of Song Dynasty, Confucius had 45 generations


Dali elm leaves for short, is also called the purple city, its history can be traced back to began years, NaZhaoWang GeLuoFeng built my sheep baa city (now the city near the west tower), for its new capital. Ancient city was built in Ming hongwu fifteen years (AD 1382), around 12, the walls of two zhangs five feet, thick two zhangs. North and south, east and west of a door, in both towers, four corners and turrets. Liberation, the walls are broken down. In 1982, rebuilt south side door, door head "Dali" two characters is a concentration of guo moruo calligraphy. By the gates into the city, south Beijing changfu promotes a pass-through northward, became a bustling streets, shops along the street on a par, selling ethnic handicrafts and jewelry, jade, such as marble, tie-dye, etc. Some old curtilage, the streets are also are still to be found, pond in the garden flowers and trees, birdsong, and outdoor streams flowing water channel. "Three Wells, a door a few potted flower" scene still.

The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose writing, leaving the country attracts blond "laowai", linger here, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.

The ancient city of history can be traced back to began years, NaZhaoWang GeLuoFeng built my sheep baa city (now near the city of the west tower), for its new capital. Ancient city was built in Ming hongwu fifteen years (AD 1382), around 12.

On February 8, 1982, the state council announced Dali is one of China's first batch of 24 historical and cultural city.

The gate of the ancient city of Dali in yunnan province, the first batch of key cultural relics protection "emperor sai-jo flat yunnan tablet", it stands on the march street street field.

In 1 km northwest of ancient city, is listed as the national first batch of key units to be protected by the state council of the Dali three towers, and, at the southwest corner of the ancient city a holy temple tower, is relatively and added a layer of bright colors for the ancient city.

Dali city roads are still maintained the chessboard type grid structure since the Ming and qing, known as the nine street 18 lane. The north-south confrontation of the two towers have been restored.

Foreigners' street in the city from south to north, across a street, deep deep and remote street lane, from west to east, across the city to the polished tile roof, the wall of the cobble stones, according to the ancient city of of primitive simplicity, chic and elegant.

Seen from the features of Dali, the literature building, south gate house, five China building, beicheng gate house, where towering magnificent, the ancient city has an attractive artistically. Streets, bai nationality ancient sweet patina.

An aerial view of Dali ancient city first floor - literature. In Dali ancient north gate 1 km literature building, known as the ancient city of the first door, is the landmark of the ancient city of Dali. Founded in the qing emperor kangxi years. Building the frontal hanging yunnan prefect partial figure Yu Kangxi forty years (AD 1701) the title of "literature of nations" plaque, therefore the literature. Literature building into a Dali passage across the south road on both sides LiuShuCheng shadow, stroke yiyi, quite a picturesque, is the government guideline dignitaries portal. Literature building is two layers of jehiel mountain type civil structure of dysprosium floor, with typical bai architectural features, it stands in the masonry structure above the door, magnificent.

Foreigners' street - nation road. The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose, leaving the country writing blond "laowai", linger here naked, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.

Dali ancient nanzhao "world first" - five degrees. 5 China building is ancient NaZhaoWang state guesthouse, also called to a building. Since nanzhao, five China building burned down many times, and rebuilt many times, the smaller is built. Five floor area, has formed a certain scale of calligraphy and painting market, operating varieties include calligraphy, Chinese painting class, character of landscape painting of flowers and birds, etc., and leather trade such as painting, oil painting is very active.

Dali Christian churches. Dali Christian church is located in Dali changfu promotes heping road intersections, was founded in 1904 in June, called "Chinese Christian church". In 1956, changed its name to "Dali Christian unity". In 1980, changed its name to "Dali Christian church". Again in 20__ changed its name to "Dali Christ church". In 20__ is listed as the municipal cultural relics protection units. Church timberwork, four left the main structure of soil water tile roof, maintained the style of the western church, but also has strong bai architectural characteristics, is a combination of Chinese and western church.


Wusong island is named for its rich and beautiful rime. There are so manyscenic spots around rime island that you can play for several days. But thetransportation to each scenic spot is not very convenient. If you want to savethe traffic trouble, you can consider finding a local guide or signing up forthe outdoor tour route directly. You don't need to make your own strategy, butalso choose the route according to your own time, and play all the classicscenic spots under the guidance of a professional leader It's safe and easy.

The terrain here is lower than that of Jilin City, and it is surrounded byrivers. The cold and hot air intersects here. In winter, there are trees hangingalmost every day, and sometimes they don't fall for several days. Zengtongtun onthe island is the best place to enjoy Wusong. There was a saying that "toappreciate Wusong, to zengtong". The trees here are peculiar in shape. Theweeping willows along the river are covered with white and crystal frostflowers. The river breeze blows and the silver wire flickers. The scenery isboth wild and beautiful.

Rime appears only in winter. This is because the formation of rime has itsown unique environment and conditions. Rime can be divided into granular andcrystalline. The granular rime structure is compact, forming a very small iceblock, while the crystalline rime structure is loose, showing a large flake. Therime in Jilin is crystalline.


Dali referred to as "elm city, the scenery at the foot of beautiful framed, 13 km from the Dali shimonoseki. Dali ancient city was built in Ming dynasty fifteen years (1382), is one of the first batch of historical and cultural city. Dali erhai lake in the ancient east, west pillow features, towers majestic, beautiful scenery. Dali city the size of the grand square around 12, the original walls 7.5 meters high, thick 6 meters, north and south, east and west four gates, original on towers. If, autonomous prefecture capital of shimonoseki to flourish, the noisy impression, Dali is a simple and quiet.

Dali ancient rippling erhai lake in the east, west lean on perennial green features, form the "ancient city of monohydrate around features, features" of urban landscape. By the gates into the city, south Beijing changfu promotes a pass-through northward, became a bustling streets, shops along the street on a par, selling ethnic handicrafts and jewelry, jade, such as marble, tie-dye, etc. Streets between some of the old curtilage, also still to be found, former pond in the garden flowers and trees, birdsong, and outdoor streams flowing water channel, "three Wells, a door a few potted flower" scene still. The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose, leaving the country writing blond "laowai", linger here naked, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.


Each guest hello:

I am your tour guide jia-qi Chen, you can call me xiao Chen to go in the next few days by me for all of you to visit the Palace Museum in Beijing scenery, hope that through my explanation, can make you leave a good impression of Beijing, also proposes the valued suggestion for my work, good, then we start today's trip!

In the Ming and qing dynasty palace, is the largest building in the world today the most magnificent, the most intact ancient royal palace. The Palace Museum, also called zijin city. The child process is the supreme power in China in five century center, with his landscape and contains 9000 rooms of furniture and handicraft product of large buildings, a witness, in the history of the Ming and qing dynasties era China's prices in 1987, Beijing the imperial palace was the United Nations on the world heritage list.

The Palace Museum sits, has four door open. My dear friends, this is the main gate of the Forbidden City, and called the meridian gate, mean the midday sun. You see, in 10 meters high wall stood five towers, from above like the phoenix material spread your wings and fly, the meridian gate and the five-phoenix towers said. Have your pictures here, please!

Come on! You free now, 6 PM in front of the Palace Museum collection, I wish you all have to play happy.


Dear friends;

How do you do!

Confucius said, "it's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar.". Today,with this famous saying of Confucius, I welcome you to visit Qufu, Confucius'hometown. I'm your local tour guide. I hope you can have a better understandingof the three Confucius culture through my explanation. I hope you have a goodtime here and have a good time. Before entering the scenic area, please allow meto give you a brief introduction of Sankong scenic area and Qufu. Qufu islocated in the southwest of Shandong Province, with a population of 620000 and atotal area of 890 square kilometers. The word "Qufu" first appeared in Erya.Ying Shao explained in the Eastern Han Dynasty that there was a Fu in the cityof Lu, and Weiqu was seven or eight Li long, so it was named "Qufu". The tourguide service of the association, in 1012 ad, was once renamed "Xianyuan" countyto commemorate the birth of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of the Chinesenation. In the seventh year of Emperor Taizong's Tianhui, it was also renamedQufu, and has been used since then.

Wanren palace wall: now our location is just outside the South Gate of theancient city of qufuming, which is called Wanren palace wall. There are four bigcharacters "Wanren palace wall" right above the gate. "Ren" is an ancient unitof length, one Ren is about 8 feet, equivalent to 1.6 meters now. It is saidthat some people praised Confucius' disciple Zigong for his knowledge. Afterhearing that, Zigong said, "human knowledge is like a palace wall. My knowledgeis only as high as the top of the wall. But Confucius, my teacher, has severalwalls. If you don't find its door, you can't see the beauty of the temple in thewall.". In order to show his worship of Confucius, Emperor Qianlong of QingDynasty ordered people to hang the four characters "Wanren palace wall" on thewall.

1、 Confucius Temple

Overview of Confucius Temple: Confucius Temple is a temple dedicated toConfucius, a thinker, statesman and educator in our country during the springand Autumn period,

Confucius Temple is the largest and oldest one. It has become one of thethree ancient buildings in China along with the Forbidden City and summerresort. The temple is 1130 meters long, 168 meters wide from east to west,covering an area of 150000 square meters. The whole complex is divided into ninecourtyards arranged symmetrically. There are five halls, one ancestral temple,one Pavilion, one altar, two verandas, two halls, 17 stele pavilions, 53gatehouses, a total of 466. The building area is about 16000 square meters.Confucius Temple is known as "solitary example" in the history of worldarchitecture. It integrates history, architectural culture, art, calligraphy,stone carvings and ancient tombs. It is the crystallization of the wisdom ofancient laborers in our country. It is a precious historical and culturalheritage. In 1961, it was announced as the first batch of cultural relicsprotection units by the State Council. In 1994, it was listed as a worldcultural heritage by UNESCO. In 20__, it was listed as a national 5A touristattraction.

"Jinshengyuzhen" Square: it is the first gate square of Confucius Temple.It was built in the 17th year of Jiajing reign of Ming Dynasty. It is 5.6 metershigh and 13.5 meters long, with octagonal columns. On the top of the column,there is a armored animal guarding against heaven and evil. On the lintel, theinscription "Jin Sheng Yu Zhen" is written by Hu zuanzong, a great calligrapherof the Ming Dynasty. The four words "Jin Sheng Yu Zhen" come from Mencius. Usingthe meaning of Mencius, it expresses Confucius' consummate knowledge, just likethe whole process of playing music, which is complete from beginning to end.Ancient music begins with the ringing of a bell and ends with the striking of achime. Praising Confucius for his learning is like the sound of gold and jade.The sound of gold is the sound of a bell, indicating the beginning, and thesound of jade is the sound of a chime, indicating the end. This is also thesource of the idiom "doing things from beginning to end". "Two cypresses bearone hole": passing yuzhenfang, this single hole stone arch bridge is called"Panshui bridge", which is connected with the water in the pan pool beside thepalace, so it is called "pan water". In the past, when I read the book ofConfucius and Mencius, I was admitted to higher education, which is called"entering hope". Officials hope to be promoted, do business, hope to get rich,and live a prosperous life. There is an ancient cypress on both sides of thebridge, so it is called "two cypresses bear one hole". After the bridge, thereare two stone tablets on the East and West, which are engraved with "officialsand people waiting to dismount here", and called "dismounting stele". In thepast, civil and military officials and common people passed by, so they had todismount and get off the sedan chair to show their respect for Confucius."Lingxing gate": This gate is called "Lingxing gate". It was built in the MingDynasty. "Lingxingmen" was inscribed by Qianlong. There are two or eight starsin the sky, and the one in charge of culture is called "Lingxing", also known asWenqu star. Connecting Confucius with the star in charge of culture in the skyis enough to prove that Confucius' culture stone is the highest. The ancientsworshipped the heaven, first of all, they worshipped Wenqu star. There is asaying that respecting Confucius is like respecting heaven. You see, the squareis 10.34 meters high and 13 meters wide. The columns are cut up and down. Theintersection of the two sections is supported by a strong stone column. On thehead of the column are the portraits of the four heavenly kings, and in themiddle are the pearls of fire. It means that the door is protected by heaven.This gate was rebuilt from wood to iron beams and stone columns.

Dazhongmen: dazhongmen is the main gate of the Confucius Temple in the SongDynasty. It was rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty. The three words "dazhongmen" wereinscribed by Emperor Qianlong. Its original name was gonghemen, and later it wasrenamed dazhongmen. The large and medium-sized facade is extended to 5 rooms,which is a single eaves building on the top of the mountain. On the one hand, wecan see the continuous expansion of Confucius Temple, on the other hand, we cansee the historical evolution of Confucius Temple.

Chenghua stele: the Chenghua stele we see now is the most famous one in theConfucius Temple, which was set up by Zhu Jianshen, the emperor of Chenghua inthe Ming Dynasty. There are two things that have attracted the attention of yourcelebrities. First, Chenghua tablet's regular script is well written,standardized, exquisite and attractive; The second is the highest evaluation ofConfucius. Emperors of all dynasties have commented on Confucius. The highestevaluation is emperor Chenghua. He compares Confucius' ideas and methods toeating, dressing and spending money. One day is inseparable from them. WithConfucius' principles and methods, one can make the best use of one's talents,materials and land. Otherwise, it will be a mess. It is said that if there isConfucius' way, there will be a world. If there is no Confucius' way, there willbe no world. If there is anti Confucius' way, there will be no world.

Tongwenmen: take the meaning of tongwenmen. That is to say, only withconcerted efforts and unity can we do a good job; the writing should be unified,only with unified writing can we record the experience of historicalcommunication, and random writing will lead to confusion. Tongwen gate is animportant barrier in front of Kuiwen Pavilion.

Thirteen stele pavilions: now we enter the sixth courtyard of ConfuciusTemple. There are 13 stele pavilions and 55 steles. They were established inTang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Most of the inscriptions are writtenin Chinese, Ba Si Ba and Manchu, which are records of the emperor's posthumoustitle and seal, temple worship and temple renovation. In order to show himself,the Qing emperor built the stele Pavilion in front of it, which led to theappearance of courtyard. This kind of architecture structure is called"intrigue" in ancient architecture. There are eight steles in the South and fivesteles in the north. Eight in the South and five in the north, so it is calledthe thirteen stele Pavilion. Because they were all stele pavilions approved bythe emperor, it is also called "imperial stele Pavilion".

Dachengmen: now we enter dachengmen, "dachengmen" refers to dachengmen,which was rebuilt by fire in the Qing Dynasty. The three characters ofdachengmen were inscribed by Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty.

Master hand planted cypress: the cypress tree in dachengmen was planted byConfucius. According to records, Confucius once planted three trees here, andthen two died. This tree withered three times and thrived three times. There isalso a saying that "when the cypress tree grows more and more, the Kong familygrows more and more.". The five characters of "the first teacher planted cypressby hand" were written by Yang Guangxun, a talented man in Wanli period of MingDynasty. Apricot altar: the "apricot altar" in front of us was built in the SongDynasty to commemorate Confucius' lectures. It is said that Confucius taught tohis disciples under the big apricot tree on the platform. Because there areapricot trees around here, it is called "apricot altar". In the pavilion ofXingtan, there are two steles. On the front of one stele is engraved the"Xingtan Fu" written by Emperor Qianlong when he first came to Qufu, which isregular script. On the back is the running script inscribed by Emperor Qianlongwhen he came to Xingtan for the second time. Dacheng Hall: the hall standing infront of us is the world-famous "Dacheng hall". It is one of the "three mainhalls" in China. It is as famous as the "Taihe hall" in the Forbidden City inBeijing and the "Tianfu hall" in the Dai Temple in Taishan Mountain. Itsmagnificence is more than it can be. The hall is 24.8 meters high, 45.78 meterswide and 24.8 meters deep, with carved beams and painted buildings. The goldenwall is brilliant, especially the 28 stone pillars around it. They are all worldcultural treasures. They are all carved with whole stones. The front 10 are deepreliefs, with two dragons playing with pearls on each pillar. They are coiledand rising, lifelike, powerful and varied. In the past, when the emperor came,the Kong Family wrapped the column in yellow cloth. I'm afraid they'll beashamed if they see it. The dragon pillars on both sides and the back porch arebas reliefs, with 72 dragons per pillar, a total of 1296. There is a statue ofConfucius in the Dacheng hall. Every year, on September 26 and 28, we hold agrand international Confucius Culture Festival and a ceremony to commemorate thebirth of Confucius. We perform large-scale music and dance for Confucius and"Xiao Shao music and dance" and hold a variety of cultural and tourismactivities. Welcome to our time. Two verandahs: the houses on the East and westsides of Dacheng hall are called "two verandahs", which are places where thelater generations worship the sages and scholars. Most of the worthy Confuciansare famous figures in the later Confucian school. In the Tang Dynasty, therewere only more than 20 people. By the time of the Republic of China, there were156 people. These people were originally portraits. In the Jin Dynasty, theywere statues. In the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, they were all woodentablets with names on them, and they were consecrated in shrines. Now there arestone carvings of all ages on display in the two verandas.

Bedroom Hall: turn back along the corridor of Dacheng hall, then you cometo the bedroom hall. The bedchamber is a place for offering sacrifices toConfucius' wife. It is the third largest building of Confucius Temple.Confucius' wife was born in Song Dynasty in the late spring and Autumn period.Qi Guan, who had a compound surname, married Confucius at the age of 19. He wasa good wife and mother and died seven years before Confucius. He was honored as"the lady of the supreme sage". Enjoy sacrifice as Confucius. There are 28 stonepillars carved with Phoenix. Each pillar is carved with 72 Phoenix, the samenumber as the dragon. So it's called "Long Feng Cheng Xiang"

Yuhonglou legal stickers: the 572 "yuhonglou legal stickers" displayed hereare descendants of Confucius in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.

Kong Jisu collected the handwriting of the famous calligraphers of the pastdynasties and copied it. These stone carvings were originally placed in theYuhong building of the "Twelve Fu" in Qufu. They were moved to the ConfuciusTemple in 1951 and displayed in 1964. They are of great artistic value forcalligraphy lovers.

Temple of Miracles: the last building of Confucius Temple. It was built inthe Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty and was presided over by the censor heChuguang. There are 120 paintings and stone carvings in the hall, which reflectthe main activities and remarks of Confucius' life. It is the first stonecarvings with complete character stories in our country.

2、 Confucius Mansion

Front hall building of Confucius' mansion: it is the place where Confucius'76th generation grandson Kong Lingyi and his wife live. Here you can experiencethe living room of the Royal Palace of the feudal dynasty. The existing Qiantangbuilding was rebuilt in the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, withEast and West buildings on both sides. It was built in the Qing Dynasty. Hung inthe middle of the hall are four big characters written by Kong Lingyi, whichmeans that the Kong family will remain prosperous and vigorous forever.

Confucius' mansion: adjacent to the Confucius Temple, it is the residenceof Confucius' eldest son and grandson. It has three roads, nine courtyards andConfucius' mansion, also known as "Yansheng mansion". "Yan Sheng" means that"Sheng Dao" and "Sheng Yi" can be inherited from generation to generation. Largescale construction was carried out in the Qing Dynasty. This is the Confucianmansion, which is a typical building in our feudal society.

Confucius' greedy Wall: there is a unicorn shaped animal on the door ofConfucius' house called "greedy". It is said that this animal is very viciousand can swallow gold and silver. Although it is full of treasures at its feetand around, it is still not satisfied and wants to eat the sun in the sky. It isreally "greedy". In the past, Confucius painted greedy paintings here, and youcan see them when you go out It is also a warning to our children andgrandchildren not to be corrupt and pervert the law.

Hall: it is the place where Emperor Yan read the imperial edict, metofficials, tried cases, and held ceremonies on festivals and birthdays. Itdisplays the first-class nobility. On the north side of the wall, those goldlettered signs on a red background are the symbols of nobility and privilege,commonly known as "Eighteen cloud tiles". With these brands, Yan Shenggong hasbeen able to travel freely in Beijing.

Second Hall: it was the place where Yan Shenggong met with officials abovegrade four and was entrusted by the emperor to take the examination of rites andmusic for the imperial court every year. There are seven Royal steles in thehouse, including the stele of "Fu Shou" written by Emperor Daoguang of the QingDynasty, the character of "Shou" written by the kind empress dowager and thepicture of pine and crane.

Third Hall: also known as the retreat hall, is the place where YanShenggong deals with family disputes and punishes servants in the house. Theplaque of "six generations of Han Yi" hanging in the middle of the house waswritten by Emperor Qianlong. At that time, six generations of Confucius lived inthe same hall. This plaque means that the six generations lived in harmony andhad a happy life.

Inner house gate: after the three halls, it is the inner house part ofConfucius' mansion, also known as inner house courtyard. The inner door isseparated from the outside. This gate is heavily guarded and no one is allowedto enter without permission. The emperor of Qing Dynasty specially granted threepairs of weapons, namely Huwei stick, Yanyi boring and Jintou jade stick. Thegatekeeper stood in front of the door with weapons, and those who disobeyed theorders were punished severely. On the west side of the door, there is a specialwater tank, Shiliu, which is exposed outside the wall. According to theregulations of the government, the water bearer is not allowed to enter theinner house, but only pour the water into the inner wall of the tank to flowinto the inner house.

Front upper room: it is the living room for the master of Confucius toreceive his close relatives and Jinzhi people. It is also the main place forthem to hold family banquets and weddings and funerals. The room is decoratedwith gorgeous furnishings, cultural relics and antiques.

Houtanglou: the residence of kongdecheng, the seventy seventh generation ofConfucius. Kong Decheng was born in 1920. Less than two months after he wasborn, he was appointed by the then president Xu Shichang as the emperor ofXifeng. In 1935, he was awarded the title of "the most holy and venerableofficial of Dacheng" by Nanjing National Government. She married Ms. sun Qifangin 1936. Most of the time after that, he was in Chongqing and Nanjing with thenational government, and moved from Nanjing to Chinese Taiwan on the eve of theliberation of the mainland in 1949.

Back garden of Confucius Mansion: it was built in the 16th year of Hongzhiin Ming Dynasty. After three major repairs, it covers an area of more than 50mu. In the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, when Kong Qingfei, the 73rdgeneration grandson of Confucius, rebuilt the garden, he placed several largeiron ores in it, so it was also called "iron mountain garden". Among them, "fivecypress baohuai" is a cypress tree in the middle and a Sophora tree around, soit is called five cypress baohuai. It's a wonder in the garden. It symbolizesthe Confucius family's family life of mutual love, mutual assistance and mutualaid for hundreds of years.

3、 Kong Lin

Kong Lin: it is the cemetery of Confucius and his family. It is the longestand largest family cemetery in the world. Konglin is located on the northernSurabaya of Qufu City, covering an area of 3000 mu. There are four types ofChinese classical architecture: Palace, garden, Mausoleum and temple. TheConfucius Temple in Confucius' mansion embodies the characteristics of palaceand Garden Temple, while the Confucius forest is a kind of mausoleum and garden.Confucius Temple and Confucius Mansion show the profundity of Confucius thoughtand the solemnity of your family. Kong Lin embodies the glory of Confucius andhis descendants after their death. Since Confucius was buried with his wife,people planted trees for the beginning of Confucius forest. After more than twothousand years of continuous expansion of more than 70 belts, a large area ofKong Family cemetery Kong Lin was gradually formed.

Shinto: out of the north gate of Fucheng, there is a road leading toGuling, so you call it Konglin Shinto. In the ancient concept, Shinto was thechannel sent by the gods when Confucius accepted the sacrifice. The whole Shintois paved with green stones, and the ancient cypresses are arranged on both sidesof the Shinto until the door of Konglin. They come in different shapes,


With its poetic beauty of "spring in winter", Jilin rime, together withGuilin landscape, Yunnan Shilin and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, isknown as China's four natural landscapes.

In the middle of winter, when thousands of trees are in depression innorthern China, when you enter Jilin City in Northeast China, you will see amagical and beautiful scenery. Looking along the Bank of Songhua River, thepines and willows are frosted and covered with snow, and the jade is coveredwith silver. This is what people call the "misty scene".

Rime, commonly known as "tree hanging", is the ice crystal condensed on thebranches and leaves by fog and water vapor when it is cold, which can be dividedinto granular and crystalline. The granular rime structure is compact, forming avery small ice block, while the crystalline rime structure is loose and largeflake. The rime in Jilin is crystalline. It is formed naturally in the uniquegeographical environment of Jilin City. 15 kilometers up the Songhua River fromthe urban area of Jilin Province is the plump hydropower station. In winter, theriver water passes through the water turbine units, and the water temperaturerises and becomes hot. Every winter, there is still 4 ℃ water flowing from thewater turbine units. The river water carries a large amount of heat energy,forming a wonderland where the Songhua River flows slowly through the urban areafor decades. From the surface of the water continuously steaming out watervapor, the whole river white fog Tengteng, for a long time does not dissipate.Along the river bank, there are many pines and willows. Under certain pressure,temperature, wind direction and other conditions, the transpiration fog on theriver surface condenses into a fog grave

The beauty of rime lies in magnificence and wonder

To watch rime, we should pay attention to "watching fog at night, watchinghanging in the morning, and enjoying falling flowers near noon".

"Watching fog at night" is to watch the fog scene on the river on the eveof rime formation. At about ten o'clock in the night, there began to be wisps offog on the Songhua River, and then it became bigger and thicker. Large groups ofwhite fog rolled up from the river and wandered to both sides of the river.

"Morning watch hanging" is to get up early to watch the tree hanging. Thedark trees on the Bank of the ten li River turned silver overnight. Willows arelike jade branches hanging down, and pine needles are like silver chrysanthemumsin full bloom.

"Enjoy the falling flowers near noon" refers to the scene when the hangingtrees fall off. Generally at about 10 am, the hanging trees begin to fall offone by one, and then they fall down in clusters. The silver flakes fall off inthe air when the breeze blows. The bright sunlight shines on them, and colorfulsnow curtains are formed in the air.

It is said that a long time ago, there was an old mother by the SonghuaRiver. Her husband died early. She raised her three daughters and worked hard toearn money to support their children. As time went by, the three daughters grewup and married out one after another. After the three daughters got married, theold mother, who was lonely and old, could not work, so she had to take turns tolive with her three daughters The three daughters were unfilial and pushed theold mother around like a rubber ball. One day, on the way to the thirddaughter's house, the elder daughter and the second daughter roared in the coldwind. The more she thought about it, the more sad she was. Her white hair andtears fluttered with the wind, hanging on the trees to form ice. People lookedat the silver branches and couldn't help thinking of her head Silver hair, butalso increase the hatred of unfilial daughter.

