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presentation开场白优秀9篇 presentation开场语

更新时间:2023-07-12 12:08:01 点击: 来源:yutu

你会做 presentation 吗? 篇一

你会做 presentation 吗?

现在,在企业里做 Presentation 是比较常见的。开会时经常有此项内容,一般都采用多媒体辅助手段,设置投影仪,多用Power Point软件做演示。




Elements related to Style 风格方面

1) Sell the idea

You must keep in mind that you are selling something to your audience, whether it be a product, a project, an idea, a strategy, concept or anything else. The primary goal of your presentation must be to convince the audience that they should “buy”。

2) Tell a compelling story

Your presentation of the idea and its ramifications (结果) must be so thorough, attractive and convincing that the audience is eager to buy into what you're selling. Basically, you're capturing their imagination.

3) Be concise

State your ideas, goals, and benefits received in a crisp (简洁的), brief and meaningful manner.

4) Support your idea and story

Using relevant facts and figures that drive home the key message that you are trying to get across to your audience. 用相关的事实和数字让你的听众接受你想让他们了解的关键信息。

Elements related to Content 内容方面

1) Key objectives

State the purpose, scope and objectives of the presentation in a clear, concise manner. This can include both qualitative and quantitative elements.

2) Plan

Tell the story on how to achieve your objectives (i.e. what activities or tasks need to be done). This is where you identify and describe your strategy (i.e. What, When, Where, How).

4) Supporting evidence

Support the main body with relevant business charts to illustrate and highlight key figures. Use relevant facts to support your story.

5) Call to action

Creating a sense of urgency for the approval

presentation的开场白 篇二


1. Right, let’s get started.

2. Let me introduce myself.

3. I’ve divided my presentation into three main parts.

4. Just to give you a brief overview.

5. I’ll be saying more about this in a minute.

6. I’m sure the implications of this are clear to all of us.

7. There’s an important point to be made here.

8. OK, let’s move on. (go on to make your next point)

9. As you can see, the figures speak for themselves.

10. To go back to what I was saying earlier.

11. Are there any questions you’d like to ask at this point?

12. I’d like to look at this in more detail.

13. Let’s put this into perspective. (to explain it this way)

14. Perhaps I should expand on that a little.

15. To digress for a moment? (to depart from your plan)

16. So, to sum up?

17. That brings me to the end of my talk.

18. Thank you. I’m sure you all have lots of questi

Presentation在英语专业教学中的应用调查 篇三



作 者:陶涛 TAO Tao  作者单位:湖北大学外国语学院,湖北武汉,430062 刊 名:湖北成人教育学院学报 英文刊名:JOURNAL OF HUBEI ADULT EDUCATION INSTITUTE 年,卷(期): 14(6) 分类号:H31 关键词:presentation   反馈   认同   评价   建议

学做 Presentation 篇四

学做 Presentation (1)

Daphne所属的公司,为 EarthSound 拟定了一份打入台湾市场的行销企划。待众人坐定之后,Daphne带着从容和悦的神情,起身上台开始了这场presentation。 Good afternoon and thank you for coming today. My name is Daphne Fu, and I'm the Project Manager in Taipei for Jackson&Wang. I'm here today to present our firm's marketing plan, which is designed to introduce EarthSound's products to the wealthy Taiwan market. Our research shows that there are big profits waiting in Taiwan, so we're excited at the opportunities we see for EarthSound. I hope that some of our excitement will rub off on all of you. 下午好,感谢各位今天的莅临,我是Daphne傅,Jackson&Wang公司台北地区的项目经理。今天在这里向各位说明本公司的行销企划,是针对贵公司将产品打入富裕的台湾市场所拟定的。根据我们的调查,台湾市场潜藏着丰厚的利润,对于“天籁”所面对的机会,我们感到十分兴奋,希望能把这种感觉传达给在座的各位。 I'll start with a few facts and figures about the health and beauty products market in Taiwan. Next, I'll go over the standard types of advertising that have been successful for these products in Taiwan. Finally, I'll analyze current opportunities and give a few recommendations. A booklet of the marketing plan will be handed out after the presentation, and it will give you all the details. 我首先会报告一些实际情况与数据,有关台湾健康美容用品的市场;然后,再说明典型的成功广告案例,有关此类产品打入台湾市场的。情形。最后,我会分析目前的机会并提出几点建议。简报之后,我将发给各位一本关于这份行销计划的报告书,里面写得非常详细。 Because we all have tight schedules, I'd like to introduce the first point, the current state of Taiwan's health and beauty market... 我知道大家都很忙,我想马上就开始介绍今天的第一项主题:台湾健康美容用品的市场现况……Notes: 1. rub off on 沾到;感染Rub 原是“磨擦”的意思,而 rub off 则指“擦掉”;rub off on是美式用法,它的意思是“把(某物)擦掉,再把它抹于另一件物品上”,引申有“将个人想法、行为影响了他人或把情绪感染给别人”的喻意。值得注意的是,这个词组是以物为主语,而不是人,请参考本文和下例。 Since you're new to the team, I hope some of my confidence will rub off on you.你是这个团队的新成员,希望我的信心能感染你。2. go over 浏览;仔细检查这个词组有两层意思:一是指把某个文件看过一下或事情讨论一遍,只要得到一个基本概念就好;另一个意思则是精密地审查。Let's go over some ways to make our office more efficient.让我们很快地讨论几个使办公室更有效率的办法。句型总结● 说明简报目的 1. I'm here today to present our firm's marketing plan. 2. My purpose tod

做presentation常用的英文句子 篇五




1. Right, let’s get started.

2. Let me introduce myself.

3. I’ve divided my presentation into three main parts.

4. Just to give you a brief overview.

5. I’ll be saying more about this in a minute.

6. I’m sure the implications of this are clear to all of us.

7. There’s an important point to be made here.

8. OK, let’s move on. (go on to make your next point)

9. As you can see, the figures speak for themselves.

10. To go back to what I was saying earlier.

11. Are there any questions you’d like to ask at this point

12. I’d like to look at this in more detail.

13. Let’s put this into perspective. (to explain it this way)

14. Perhaps I should expand on that a little.

15. To digress for a moment(to depart from your plan)

16. So, to sum up

17. That brings me to the end of my talk.

18. Thank you. I’m sure you all have lots of questions.

你会做presentation吗?教你取得满意效果 篇六


现在,在企业里做 Presentation 是比较常见的。,开会时经常有此项内容,一般都采用多媒体辅助手段,设置投影仪,多用Power Point软件做演示。




Elements related to Style 风格方面

1) Sell the idea

You must keep in mind that you are selling something to your audience, whether it be a product, a project, an idea, a strategy, concept or anything else. The primary goal of your presentation must be to convince the audience that they should “buy”。

2) Tell a compelling story

Your presentation of the idea and its ramifications (结果) must be so thorough, attractive and convincing that the audience is eager to buy into what you're selling. Basically, you're capturing their imagination.

3) Be concise

State your ideas, goals, and benefits received in a crisp (简洁的), brief and meaningful manner.

4) Support your idea and story

Using relevant facts and figures that drive home the key message that you are trying to get across to your audience. 用相关的事实和数字让你的听众接受你想让他们了解的关键信息,

Elements related to Content 内容方面

1) Key objectives

State the purpose, scope and objectives of the presentation in a clear, concise manner. This can include both qualitative and quantitative elements.

2) Plan

Tell the story on how to achieve your objectives (i.e. what activities or tasks need to be done). This is where you identify and describe your strategy (i.e. What, When, Where, How).

4) Supporting evidence

Support the main body with relevant business charts to illustrate and highlight key figures. Use relevant facts to support your story.

5) Call to action

Creating a sense of urgency for the approval of what you're presenting ASAP, and instilling a sense of loss if your idea does not proceed beyond this point.

职场生涯:你重视自己Presentation的能力吗? 篇七


那么,差距主要表现在哪里呢? 首先是ppt文件有不足之处。其次是语言表达能力比较薄弱。ppt文件提供了视觉要素,而语言表达提供了听觉要素,如果在视觉和听觉两方面我们都没有满足观众的要求,就会防碍思想的交流,直接影响presentation的效果。



接收“敏于行,讷于言”的传统教育的中国人,对语言能力的培养一向是不够重视的。这体现在我们的学校教育中,给予语言训练的时间非常有限。中国人的心态,也一向看不起那些油嘴滑舌,能说会道的人。这其实是一个很大的认识误区。虽然在学校里语言的重要性没有充分体现出来,但在工作之后,我们都会慢慢发现,语言技能对职业生涯的影响其实非比寻常。就拿presentation来说吧,如果它总是很不成功,会带来不少负面影响。首先,尽管你可能尽了很大努力,但最终你的思想没有被听众理解和接受,无法引起他们的共鸣,在某种程度上,是浪费彼此的时间。其次,足以打击自信心。 观众们流露出的困惑迷惘甚至怀疑的神情,会让你为此不安或产生自卑感。另外,也会影响公司同事和上级对你的评价,为你在公司长期的立足和升迁投下阴影,导致自己的事业发展受到限制。








可以利用powerpoint的note page功能,对每一页添加注释。这些注释连在一起,就成了完整的发言稿,基本上就是自己到了现场将要说的话。注释不必写得很长,只需言简意赅地对页面进行概括即可,必要时可插入一些题外话。notepage 可以打印出来,发言时不妨拿着它,以方便提词。有了底稿作为基础,就很容易根据现场情况作即兴的发挥。










记住那句永恒的真理:There is a will, there is a way.



Presentation常用开场白 篇八

1. Right, lets get started.

2. Let me introduce myself.

3. Ive divided my presentation into three main parts.

4. Just to give you a brief overview.

5. Ill be saying more about this in a minute.

6. Im sure the implications of this are clear to all of us.

7. Theres an important point to be made here.

8. OK, lets move on. (go on to make your next point)

9. As you can see, the figures speak for themselves.

10. To go back to what I was saying earlier.

11. Are there any questions youd like to ask at this point?

12. Id like to look at this in more detail.

13. Lets put this into perspective. (to explain it this way)

14. Perhaps I should expand on that a little.

15. To digress for a moment? (to depart from your plan)

16. So, to sum up?

17. That brings me to the end of my talk.

18. Thank you. Im sure you all have lots of questions.

presentation开场白 英文 篇九

Can everyone hear me?


Can everyone see the screen?


What I'd like to talk about briefly is…


Feel free to interrupt me with questions at any time.



Our customers range in age from 18 to 80.


We categorized their answers into four main areas.


80% of our customers say that…


If you have a look at the green line on this chart, you can see that there has been a steady increase in…


The orange set of data here shows that…



What we can take from this is that…


The good news is that…, the bad news is that…


I recommend that…


This is very important feedback for us.


